Daily boiler maintenance

1. Pressure gauges, water level gauges (see the picture on the right), safety valves, sewage devices, water supply valves, steam valves, etc., check whether their performance meets the requirements, and whether other valves are in good switching state.

2. Automatic control device system, including flame detector, water level, water temperature detection, alarm device and various interlocking devices, display control system and other performance status meet the requirements.

3. Whether the water supply system, including the water level of the water storage tank, the temperature of the water supply, and the water treatment equipment are required by symbols.

4. The fuel combustion system, including fuel reserve, transmission lines, combustion equipment, ignition equipment, fuel cut-off devices, oil pumps and other conditions meet the requirements.

5. Whether the ventilation system, including the blast, induced draft fan, the opening of the regulating door and gate, and the ventilation ducts, are in good condition.

When the boiler is in use, the water temperature and water level probes should be cleaned regularly, and the scale should be checked and descaled regularly; the boiling water boiler should be regularly dredged out of the boiler body’s boiling water outlet and water outlet pipes and taps. The sewage must be discharged at least once a day.



Post time: Sep-23-2020